Sunday, October 02, 2005

Laundry Day

The kitties are so helpful.

No, really. I mean that. From installing dishwashers and setting the table to reading the paper or changing Checkers' stinky abode, these kitties know how to earn their keep.

And each one has his own strengths, and -- well, let's face it -- weaknesses. Thankfully, they are well in tune with who is good at what, and who should just go off and find a catnip sock to kill.

Blusie is the self-proclaimed laundry helper. He screams at the top of his lungs to let us know when the washer and dryer are running - I guess to make sure we know they're doing their jobs. And he's OH SO HELPFUL when it comes time to fold, and heaven forbid if anyone else (furry) should try to help.

Spot check inspection on the drying phase. (Neiko looks drunk here. He probably is.)

Blusie: "You're not seriously considering messing with my dryer duties..."

Neiko tries to lend his expertise. (Blusie: "That's right. Just a little closer.")


(Insert head chewing photo here. This is a family site. I will show crotches but I won't advocate violence. On a positive note, the head chewing ended in licks and kisses.)

The victor. Blusie keeps his title. Thank God we have him to help with the laundry. I'm not sure what Mat would do if his undies weren't carpeted with cat fur.


At October 3, 2005 at 3:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog!! The pictures are great and sooo remind me of life around my place with 3 kitties. My youngest is just a bit older than Neiko and has extra toes too! Isn't it fun when they are helping with the chores? ;)
Loved this.. "This is a family site. I will show crotches but I won't advocate violence." Too funny!

At October 3, 2005 at 4:30 p.m., Blogger the niffer said...

Thanks for stopping by Linda! You need a blog so we can see your kitties!
I especially like when the help make the bed - it's so much easier to get a good "tuck" when 3 kitties are under the covers.

At October 3, 2005 at 7:23 p.m., Blogger The King of Kerwood said...

Blusie is the Alpha Cat.

At June 12, 2006 at 5:53 p.m., Blogger islaygirl said...


found your site via your comment on dooce, and am quite amused by the kitty pix. i have four dogs but they never seem to pose with the same fearsome elan as the kitties.

At June 25, 2007 at 1:08 a.m., Blogger thethinker said...

Great pictures!


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