Project Dishwasher
It's been sometime since I've posted new kitty photos. I have a good reason: last week we installed a new (our first!) dishwasher. My dad did most of the work. He's a great dad. Single T helped him out. I stood by and took photos.
As with any project at the Minty Manor, seemingly simple home improvements turn ugly as our 113-year-old house decides to remind us what "113-year-old" really means.
So a one-day project turned into three, but we have a pretty new set of pipes under the sink and some pretty mfing clean dishes.
However, we have a sad Blusie. He had made the dishwasher into his own personal kitty throne:
Then Neiko joined him:
Then His Girthiness kicked them off:
However, being the control freak that he is, Buddy resumed lording over the project:
(Just checking to make sure Mat's work is sound):
And finally, the mourning of the dishwasher:
They sat there for days...